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Imaginação infantil

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009 by Leila Franca

A minha neta Isabela, que acaba de fazer 4 anos, é uma graça. Noutro dia ela veio do quintal chorando e mostrando um calombo em sua perna formado pela picada de uma formiga. Depois, querendo talvez mostrar a "gravidade" da situação, Isabela explicou:

"Foi a formiga da dengue!"


My granddaughter Isabela, which is just 4 years old, is so cute. Another day she came from the backyard, crying and showing her leg because she got an ant's bite. Then, perhaps wanting to show the "seriousness" of the situation, Isabela said:

"It was the ant of the dengue!

PS ( to foreign readers): the dengue is a serious disease that comes from the mosquito in tropical areas. There is no “ant” of the dengue. That was Isabela's creation!

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